Friday, February 7, 2025

The Obvious

 The word "obvious" refers to something that is easily perceived or understood, something that is apparent to everyone. If something is obvious, it doesn't require much thought or effort to recognize or grasp.

When it comes to the Word of Elohim, that which is obvious to some is not necessarily obvious to others since it is subject to interpretations of every kind.  But as believers in the Word of Elohim, we share a certainty that Elohim is sovereign over His creation. Other matters that are obvious to us we have either obtained because they are common conventions or by what we have learned by experience throughout life.  But when it comes to understanding matters that we have not experienced as fact or truth, we may look into them, examine, ponder, wonder, or even be perplexed regarding what appears to be a complex and/or new phenomenon.  

At the beginning of the creation narrative, as described in chapter 1 of Genesis, two Hebrew terms are used for "void and without form" – "tohoo" and "vohoo", which literally mean wonderment and perplexity. That is, if a human eye were to observe that condition, such would be its reaction. Being "perplexed" refers to a state of confusion or bewilderment (the latter also gives cause for fear). If one is perplexed, he or she is puzzled and unsure of thoughts, possibilities, or actions. Such a state often implies difficulty in understanding or figuring out a given situation. This well describes the overall condition prevailing in a world without faith and knowledge of a Creator. 

After partaking of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam fell into the spirit realm of darkness. Consequently, he bequeathed to his progeny an inheritance of hopelessness, confusion, and fear. Man struggled within himself to rectify the “obvious” but had no light with which to combat the power that the fruit of this tree of darkness and death produced in him.

The solution that resolves Man’s perplexity and dilemma is realized by the Heavenly Father’s only begotten Son, “who was crucified before the foundations of the world” (Revelation 13:8).  So, is the Scripture/Bible the story of Man suffering under the tyranny of “sin and death”, or is it the obvious reality of a sovereign Elohim Who is intimately involved with His creature?  Is it “obvious” to us that “all those who are of the faith", who believe that Elohim raised Yeshua from the dead and have received the covenant promise of the Spirit, are the progeny/seed of the forefathers? Is it “obvious” that Yeshua is the Kinsman Redeemer of His Father’s inheritance, and that is the reason why He said that He "only came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel" (Mathew 15:24)? Is it obvious that Yeshua is gathering in our day the stick/nation of Judah and the stick/nation of Joseph? Is it obvious that He is gathering them from every tribe, tongue, and nation, from the four winds of the earth (see Rev 5:9), where they are scattered?  Isn’t it obvious that the promise to Israel is to make them “a kingdom and priests to our Elohim; and that they will reign upon the earth" (Revelation 5:10)?  Isn’t it obvious that Yeshua has to remain in His “place in the heavens until all that has been spoken" and promised to the House of Judah and Israel "through the prophets of old is fulfilled" before He returns (Acts 3:19-21)? Is it not obvious that YHVH keeps His covenants, promises, and word to His inheritance, His people, that is, those who came forth from the wombs of Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel? (See Genesis 12 – 50.)

 Because of the Fall, Man will continue to speculate, using what he knows by experience and what he doesn’t know for a fact, thus theorizing or conjecturing without firm evidence. This involves guessing or hypothesizing based on limited information, and in the case of Scriptures, an absence of revelation-understanding and knowledge that only the Spirit can impart. Or, conversely, unregenerated Man will be watching from hindsight as YHVH brings His word to pass. Until, in the end, all will know that He is YHVH, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “By Myself I swear, uttering My just decree and my unalterable word: To me, every knee shall bend; by me every tongue shall swear, saying, ‘Only in YHVH are just deeds and power.' Before him in shame shall come all who vent their anger against him. In YHVH shall be the vindication and the glory of all the seed of Israel" (Isaiah 45:23-25).


  1. You have OBVIOUSLY hit the nail on the head! I love how you so succinctly share your revelations to help us put the Biblical puzzle pieces together. Thank you.

  2. Well written and very insightful.

    It seems like those of us who have by grace through faith been delivered from the kingdom of darkness (tohoo & vohoo) into the Kingdom of Light in Yeshua will not necessarily experience the abundant life that He said that He came to give us. Denying self daily and abiding in the Vine allow Him in us to fulfill Elohim's first command to be "fruitful and multiply."

    It is OBVIOUS from this article that you are faithfully doing just that. Thank you for sharing the spiritual fruit He has given you.
