Friday, September 20, 2024


  Recently, I became reacquainted with the term “protocol,” as I am involved with a Canadian First Nation prayer group. Connections with other Indigenous groups from other nations who are protocol-conscious have also put this practice on my radar. These people groups all seem to understand the importance of “protocol” for and in their community and nation.

At our local meeting last Monday, held at our house, one couple, who have just returned from Canada, shared their recent experiences. The wife had also recently been to Australia for an Indigenous women’s conference. We were made more aware that by understanding Biblical protocol, these groups, from far and wide, know that the Jewish people are native to the land of Israel and see us as their “older brother”. 

In order to gain a more precise meaning of the term “protocol, at our meeting, we read its definition:  “The official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions”.   What immediately came to my mind was, that this is what the Apostles drew from the book of Genesis when they shared the gospel of the kingdom.  YHVH established the “protocol” of His Kingdom order in the family of humanity, and more specifically in Abraham’s family.  In my book Firstborn Factor in the Plan of Redemption, I (unwittingly) delineated YHVH’s “protocol”.  I called it “YHVH’s judicial order”, which is basically what protocol is.  When I mentioned to the group that the book of Genesis is YHVH’s protocol, one woman leaned forward and exclaimed in excitement, “these are the lost tribes of Israel!” referring to the first nations who were at the focus of our discussion.  Although this subject makes Messianic Jews a little nervous, I could not but hear the voice of the Spirit speaking “truth” to them. 

Several years ago, at an indigenous conference in Nazareth, a leader from the South Sea Islands delivered a very strong message to the Israeli Messianic believers, exhorting them to take up their mandate and responsibility as the elder brother. Most probably did not have a clear idea of what he was trying to convey to them, but how appropriate that was!

Because of “divine protocol” in the family of Jacob and Yeshua’s role in setting up His Kingdom in the House of Jacob, restoring the Kingdom to all Israel is paramount to the redemption of the rest of humanity, along with the creation itself. This is the reason for the strong call from the prophet to, "remember the Torah of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.  Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of YHVH. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse" (Malachi 4:4-6). 

Those who embrace the gospel of the Kingdom and its Messiah need to ask the Holy Spirit whether they are from among those addressed in Romans 4:16, who have the “faith of their father Abraham” and are in the Messiah by that same “faith” because one cannot be in Messiah without it.   “Therefore know that those who are of faith are sons of Abraham” (Galatians 3:7).  

“If you are in Messiah you are Abraham’s seed” according to the promise in the covenant to the Patriarchs (Galatians 3:29).  Being in Messiah doesn’t make one a descendent. No. It proves that one is of the natural seed and heir to that promise no matter where one currently resides. Restoring this identity by the New Covenant is supremely important in the prophetic fulfillment before the “great and terrible days of YHVH”. In fact, not having this identity restored at this time could jeopardize one’s witness and put one in danger of being caught in replacement theology, and worse… subject to the “curse”

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