Thursday, September 14, 2023

Yom Zichron Teruah

 Yom Zichron Teruah – The Day of Remembering the Sound

Why is the first day of the seventh month on YHVH's timetable designated as the Day of Remembering the Sound? On that day begins the countdown to Yom Kippurim - the Day of Atonement(s). What sound are we to remember? Obviously, it is the sound we all heard as His people. It was the one teruah no one could miss. If Israel ever had a moment of unity it was that moment that they all heard “this” sound. Most scholars and sages are in agreement that this is referring to the “voice” of YHVH heard at Sinai.  We experienced the "voice" back in the third month at a previous appointment, so why now, in the seventh month? What are we to remember about “YHVH’s Voice”, which to our ancestors' ears sounded like a shofar, when in actuality there were none there? Why are we, generation after generation, brought back, on the first of the seventh month, to Sinai to remember His voice with the blowing of the shofar?  

At Mount Sinai, YHVH’s voice materialized into our world as the “Ten Words” or “Ten Commandments". Thus, in a manner of speaking, the past meets the present in a unique way on this day, a day that inaugurates the Ten Days of Awe or Teshuva.  The prophet Malachi declared to all Israel that before the great and terrible day of YHVH they were to:   "Remember the Law (Torah) of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments” (Malachi 4:4 emphasis added).  Malachi is simply warning YHVH's people to remember the “Voice” before the great day of YHVH’s righteous judgments. Is this not what the Ten Days of Awe are all about? This is why there is so much soul-searching and repentance going on during this season.  It is a sobering time. But is it a time to fear or a time to stand in awe? 

Our forefathers at Sinai shrunk back as the Voice grew nearer (and that is why it kept getting louder), crying to Moses that he should hear for them lest they die.  Do you remember the time when the “Voice” called from the deep recess of your ancestral being, to come into the courtroom of heaven and stand trial before the Judge of the Universe? Do you remember how long you defended your pride and self-righteousness, while the Law was doing its job in pointing to the truth of your sinful condition? HaSatan was there too, as the prosecuting attorney, accusing you, of what he excels in, that is of your "lie".  Do you remember the moment you finally broke and admitted and submitted to the truth?  Do you remember how the courtroom suddenly became the most silent place in heaven and on earth as it waited for you, the defendant, to say those two fearful words, “I’m guilty!”?  Your heart was broken and you stood in your shame, you had nothing more to say in your defense, except for the admission: “I’m guilty”.  The prosecutor had no more to say either, only: “I rest my case”, and closed his files, waiting for the judge's decision of the impending death sentence. 

But what happened next surprised all and left them in awe. The Judge stood up to hit the gavel, but instead, he took off His judicial garment and came down to you, revealing His blood-stained, broken body that was nailed to the cross, taking you into warm loving arms, and with deep compassion He whispered: "I love you. You are forgiven. Come now with me out of this cold judicial courtroom, to the place that I have prepared for you". 

Recommended reading, Romans chapters 3&5

1 comment:

  1. Amen, and now that we are set free from the "judicial" verdict, we enter into the "civil" court on Yom Teruah and we say, "Yeshua the Messiah we crown You king of Israel!" Thank you so much Ephraim for sharing the Father's heart for His people. We continue the journey of returning to our forefathers… one more year!
