Friday, December 18, 2020

Focusing Our Aim


Shalom Fellow Israelite,

In our group zoom discussion the other night, a question was raised in regards to the massive focus on the American Constitution which is currently consuming Christians and Messianic Believers in the United States. The Republic of the US was founded on Judeo/Christian values, statutes and ordinances. These principles of freedom have their roots more specifically in the Torah of Moses. However, much of the Christian population in the United States does not live by what is written in those sacred writings, and in fact has even chosen to discard them under the doctrine of “not being under the law”. Thus, at this time when seeking justice looms large in the eyes of American Believers, the question must be raised: “Can lawlessness combat lawlessness? Is there a flawed foundation in the godly motivations of those trying to correct injustice and unrighteousness in the US, and does that affect the potential for a successful outcome…?” Thank you, Kay B. for asking! To drive this point even more poignantly, Kay also added another question, quoting from Mark 3:23: “How can Satan cast out Satan?”

I would like to add another point that came up in this week’s meeting. What about the role of the Ephraimites, who likewise are pursuing American identity at this time, rather than their own ancestral one? What is more important in these days of the restoration of the whole house of Israel, than the everlasting covenants and promises that are yet to be fulfilled? In regards to the House of Israel in the nations, especially the USA, Rimona had a word a couple of days ago – “diversion”.  Is it possible that the entire upheaval which is sweeping the world at the moment, is actually for the purpose of ultimately gathering YHVH’s people and setting up His everlasting kingdom in its designated location? Let us remember that in the midst of preparations for a time of calamity (famine) in Egypt, our ancestor Joseph was said to have “stored up grain in great abundance, like the sand of the sea…” (Gen. 41:49). This evokes the promises to his fathers that their seed would be “like the sand of the sea”. It is no coincidence that the verse which follows Joseph’s “ingathering” action reports the birth of his two sons, to whom the above irrevocable promise pertained.  


  1. WOW. Beautiful insights! So absolutely true.

  2. ""Is it possible that the entire upheaval which is sweeping the world at the moment, is actually for the purpose of ultimately gathering YHVH’s people and setting up His everlasting kingdom in its designated location?""

