Friday, May 14, 2021

Messiah's End-Time Anointing


Johnathan Cahn has just released another message on YouTube, “The Reign of Baal”, in which he summarizes some of what he has written and spoken in previous videos and books. Added to that was an exhortation to believers to basically take up the prophetic mantle of Elijah the prophet.  What does it mean to be an expression of this end time prophet? What was his main message to the people Israel?  As we know, Elijah was specifically a prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. 

Johnathan Cahn uses the kings of the House of Joseph/Ephraim as templates to describe some of the recent leaders of the United States.  Back in the late nineties a song was released which became very popular (and no doubt most of you will recognize), called “These are the days of Elijah”. What do the scriptures say about this prophet of old and his relationship to the House of Israel today?  Malachi ends his book by saying that Elijah will come “before the great and terrible day of YHVH” and “will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers” and vice versa, with the exhortation which precedes these words being, to “remember the Torah of Moses… and the statutes and ordinances for all Israel” (see Malachi 4:4-6). Of course one would have to know that they are Israel - YHVH’s covenanted people - in order to heed the message and its warning. 

If this message is ignored, the Father promises, “to strike the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:6). This is no joke!  We are already experiencing several curses in the world and many more will come, as there is very little response to a message that has gone out to the believers in the New Covenant.  The apostles stated very clearly that the faith people are the children of the aforementioned forefathers (e.g. Romans 4:16). 

There is a powerful spiritual resistance from the religious establishments to the ‘disclosure of the identity’. They wish to keep this identity hidden. But Messiah’s ‘Elijah anointing’ is for the restoration of Israel’s identity in the latter days. Here are two end time prophecies from Jeremiah   “The anger of YHVH will not turn back until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His heart; In the last days you will clearly understand it” (Jeremiah 23:20 emphasis added); The fierce anger of YHVH will not turn back until He has performed and until He has accomplished the intent of His heart; In the latter days you will understand this” (Jeremiah 30:24 emphasis added).

These two chapters (Jeremiah 23 and 30) are very clear about something that YHVH will do in the latter days, with anger and wrath poured out.  In chapter 23, He is acting as the Shephard of Israel and is taking back His sheep from all the places where they have been scattered. This is also confirmed in Ezekiel 34.  In chapter 30 (of Jeremiah), He is about to restore both houses and bring them back to their land. This is also confirmed in Ezekiel 36 and 37.  Thus the days of Elijah have to do with a very specific task, and we need to be, like never before, about our Father’s business. If we are in the last days, restoring the sons of the faith to the fathers of the faith would be the task of Messiah.  " And now YHVH says, Who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, To bring Jacob back to Him, So that Israel is gathered to Him ( For I shall be glorious in the eyes of YHVH, And My Elohim shall be My strength),  Indeed He says, 'It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob, And to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth' "  (Isaiah 49:5-6).


  1. Amen to this, Ephraim. The ministry of Elijah must be heard and honored, if the world-wide "curse" is to be deflected. I rejoice every time I hear such talk: it is utterly Scriptural and utterly timely--including the Identity issue. May God open the ears and eyes of His people!

    1. After reading Joel Richardson book - Sinai to Zion Israel will be under a covenant chastisement till iY’shua returns! I agree

  2. Toda rabba and shalom Ephraim and Rimona. May Adonai יהוה Eloheinu guard you during these tumultuous times in His land, the land of our fathers.

  3. So good to read your message today. May the Ruach of Yahweh fill, empower and establish us in these end time days. I think it is called "acharit ha yameem. I saw a picture of you and Ramona at Miss Nancy Baxter's house. Ramona had some dark pretty hair! Shabbat shalom. Love, Bev

  4. He is our shalom-He has broken down every wall- He is our peace! In the midst of anger, wickedness, and war- May Abba YHVH be your high tower and refuge!
    May you be in that secret place of El Elyon at all times!
    Shabbat shalom

  5. Excellent article you dear ones. We will continue to uphold you both in prayer and those we love who are left in Israel. It's a good time to read Psalm 83 again. May you both stay under Abba's wings of protection.

  6. I am drawn to the verses preceding this in Malachi.
    "Then they who feared YHVH spoke to one another; and YHVH hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for those who feared YHVH and took heed of his NAME. And they shall be mine, says YHVH Tzavaot, on that day which I appoint as my particular day; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son who serves him. Then you shall return and see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serves Elohim and hi that does not serve him."
