We pray that all is well with you, as "times they are a-changin’" (in the words of that old bard – 'Bobby the Dylan' aka Zimmerman) and very rapidly, I might add. We thank you for your prayers and concerns for the whole house of Israel.
Since the U.S. election, countless Americans, many of them
Christians, have come to believe that Elohim has had mercy on that nation.
Others are undecided as to whether this is a good thing or not. Then, some are of the opinion that the election results represent the lesser of
two evils. Nevertheless, YHVH remains in charge and is sovereign over every nation.
A few weeks ago, I had an impression from the Spirit which had
an unusual origin. I had been talking with a friend about an episode that took
place in the United Nations when Yasser Arafat stood (in 1974) before the
Assembly and made the following declaration: “I have come to you bearing an
olive branch in one hand, and a freedom-fighter’s gun in the other, don’t let
the olive branch fall from my hand!” A
few days after this conversation, in the early hours of the morning, I felt that
Yeshua was standing, as it were, before America with a golden cup in one hand
and a silver cup in the other. They were both full of wine. The golden cup’s wine was toxic, while the
silver cup's (wine) was blood-red (pure). Later that morning I looked into the scriptures
and found these two: "For thus YHVH,
the Elohim of Israel, says to me [Jeremiah], 'Take this cup of the wine
of wrath from My hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send you, to drink
it. And they shall drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I
will send among them'" (Jeremiah 25:15-16). The other was: “I shall
lift up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of YHVH" (Psalm
In his inaugural speech, the newly re-elected American
president mentioned that his coming term would be "the golden age of
America". For a long time now, the United States has taken up the image of
Babylon, displaying characteristics that are not unlike the original one. Even
though the USA has also been responsible for many 'good things', these words
from Revelation are sadly quite applicable: "For all the nations have
drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth
have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have
become rich by the wealth of her sensuality" (18:3). Right at the
close of Trump’s address, I felt like adding “But God…?” And for whatever it's
worth, two names came to mind - Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar. Disclaimer: I’m not asserting
that Trump is imaging the above mentioned, but that we need to take to heart that
they would not have had the authority to accomplish what they did without YHVH’s
sovereign will to do so (see Daniel 2:39ff). The same, of course, applies to
the present circumstances.
Yes, YHVH’s "mercies are new every morning", and "great
is His faithfulness” (Lam. 3:22-23). This may be a new morning, OR, it could be
a new warning - for the people of the U.S. and Israel, or even the world. I believe that YHVH is offering these two
cups, not only to the United States but also to many other nations. However, judgments start with His own house. "Don't
let the cup of salvation fall from My hand" (to echo Arafat's foreboding
statement. Please forgive the analogy.)
The false 'Christian' bishop, who addressed President Trump
at the Cathedral in Washington, announced that "her people" feared
what Trump might do to the (woke) folk that she represents. Actually, they should
be more fearful of a righteous Creator Whose laws govern iniquity and
wickedness. In the past four years, the
United States has added to that cup of the wrath of Elohim. If and when it is
poured out, His called-out ones must be prepared for the great exodus. As it was in the first exodus, when the sin
of the Amorites had to come to full measure before the Hebrews were released from
Egypt (see Genesis 15:16), so too now – the cup of iniquity must overflow
before this great event unfolds. Might
we be witnessing the beginning of the judgments mentioned in Revelation being
executed? Conversely, will we see a powerful outpouring of the cup of salvation
in YHVH's hand? Or will these two cups be served at the same time?