Friday, October 11, 2024

Out of the Archives "Paradigm Shift" (2001)

I'm sure you all have been following the news and are aware of the shifting sands of our history-in-the-making. We no sooner blew the shofar of the 1st of the 7th month on the mo'ed of Yom T'ruah, and violence broke out not only in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza but also in the Arab communities of what is termed 'Israel proper.' This did not come as a surprise to those with a keen sense of the prophetic or even to those with a little common sense and knowledge. 


When I awoke this morning, I had a strong feeling that we were experiencing a paradigm shift.  One which will take us from  'the Moses wilderness anointing and ministry' to the 'Yehoshua (Joshua) call'; from 'the Saul government' to the 'Davidic'; from 'the Elijiah mantle' to that of  'Elishah'; from 'the Zerubabel and Joshua' to 'the Ezra'. No matter which way we look at the change, there is an overlapping time period.  Just like the waves of the sea, each of these waves also has its time and space to reach the sands of the sea (Israel was to be like the sand of the sea).

Back in 1977, just before going to Israel for the second time, scriptures from Ezekiel 2 and 3 stirred my innermost being.  I am trying to remember if the following dream came before the trip, during, or after.  Anyhow, I saw a huge black rock mountain with the waves of the sea pounding up against it.   Suddenly a large wave came in from the sea, which had faces in it, among whom were the leaders of the Reformation such as Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and others that I did not recognize.  The wave covered the top of the mountain, but when it retreated to the sea, the massive rock had been broken into very large boulders.  As that wave receded, the waters of the next wave began to swell and it was actually formed from the very resistance of the first. This second wave seemed larger than the first. Once again, there were faces of men in the wave.  But this time, I did not recognize any of them.  As that wave moved up over the boulders and back out to sea, the large stones had been broken into smaller stones and pebbles, whose color was no longer black but much lighter.  Again, this wave resisted the next one but, at the same time, helped build it into an even larger wave.


As the third wave came in, again it had faces, this time of Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Derek Prince and others. It washed over the stones of the beach and as it retreated to the sea these stones became small pebbles of varying colors.  Then, as before, this wave resisted the one that was arising behind it.  As the fourth wave grew it looked like a wave of seed, either wheat or barley.  As it passed over the pebbles and receded from the shore, they (the pebbles) turned into a beautiful white sandy beach.  This wave too, like the others, resisted the next one, but helped bolster it. This one looked like fire.  As this wave of fire descended upon the white sand, it covered it for only a short time and subsided as if absorbed by the sand.  But this time there was not another wave as the sea and the sand became like one sheet of glass. 


This is the time of a paradigm shift when one wave is moving off of the shore and another is forming.


Will we be riding in on the next wave or will we be resisting it?


Repentance and consecration always proceeded the next move of the Spirit.


Let's not be found sitting on what was, but what is and will be, in the words of Peter: "be established in present truth" (2Pet.1:12).


Shabbat Shalom, have a meaningful Yom Kippur.


And now, Israel, what does YHVH require from you, but to fear YHVH your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve YHVH with all your heart and with all your soul, to keep YHVH's commandments and His statutes (Deut. 10:12).