We often tend
to see our redemption at Pesach, when we were set free from the slavery to sin
and death, on an individual basis. But
is that what YHVH meant when He said to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and tell him… let
MY people go”? Obviously YHVH
did not only have in mind random individuals, but an entire nation of His
called out and chosen sons of Jacob. YHVH
was specifically setting this seed of Abraham on a historic journey into a future
that will glorify Him, to the point that not only Israel will know that He is
Elohim, but all the nations of this world.
Thus, one of the
most important aspects of the feast of Pesach is “identity”. Prior to that ‘first
Pesach’ Elohim revealed Himself as “YHVH Elohim”, and then Israel was revealed
as “His people”. It was also the time
when YHVH first introduced Himself to the enslaved nation: “Therefore say to the children of Israel:
‘I am YHVH; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the
Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an
outstretched arm and with great judgments’” (Exodus 6:7). This message that Elohim sent via Moses, was
entirely foreign to those Hebrew slaves and idol worshipers (ref. Joshua 24:14;
Ezeliel 20:8). Pharaoh was not the only
one who could not relate to the name “YHVH”, this blindness was also true of “My
People”. Hence
without this season being marked by the restoration and re-identification of “His
people”, now as it was also then, there is no true witness of Him being the great
“I Am” of Israel.
In Ezekiel 37 the
whole house of Israel is pictured in a condition not unlike the slavery of
their ancestors in Egypt. The lifeless bones which the prophet was shown
needed Divine intervention, and so it came, via the “four winds”. “Thus
says Adoni YHVH: ‘Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these
slain, that they may live’” (Ezekiel 37:9: Mark 13:27). In this vision the whole house of Israel is
seen crying out, regarding their hopeless and helpless condition: “Our bones
are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!” (ver. 11). Another description of “My people” is found in
Ezekiel 34. This time as His sheep - sick, diseased, broken, bound, and lost (especially
to their identity), as the false shepherds and leaders have dominated and
forced them into submission (see verse 4).
Fast forward to
today, the majority of Israelites are still in the above-described conditions, but
unlike their predecessors in Egypt, who at least “sighed because of the
bondage” (Exodus 2:23), most of our contemporaries are unaware of their
predicament. Yet the promise still
stands; “Adoni YHVH [says]: ‘Behold, O My people, I will open
your graves and cause you to come up from your grave … Then you shall know that
I am YHVH, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and
brought you up from your graves’” (Ezekiel 37: 12-13). One more
difference which characterizes our times is that, a
remnant has been brought up out of those graves. When and how did
that occur? Paul points to the glorious
day when the Heavenly Father raised the Redeemer Shepherd of Israel from His
grave. Since we were united to Him on
the execution stake, having died (ref. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15) and buried with Him,
we also “… were raised with Him through faith in the working of Elohim,
who raised Him from the dead” (Colossians 2:12). This resurrection
out of the grave is a testimony of the above-cited Ezekiel verses and is, at
the same time, also what restored our identity as “His people Israel”. What’s
more, being raised with Messiah we were granted eternal life (see Romans 6:23)!
Echoing Isaiah’s
prophecy of a covenant with Israel’s redeemed (59:20-21), Ezekiel prophesies: “I
will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your
own land. Then you shall know that I, YHVH, have spoken it and
performed it,’ says YHVH” (Ezekiel 37:14). Once
the “Spirit/breath” of life revives the body/nation amazing things start happening
- we not only live, but we also stand upon our feet as an “exceedingly great
army” (Ezekiel 37:10).
Therefore, not
unlike the identity of our ancestors of old, our identity and the
identity of our Elohim are intricately woven together throughout the tapestry of
history, commemorated especially at Pesach time. So as we celebrate this year’s Seder, and hear
those famous words “let My people go”, let us hold on to the vision that
is cast before us, as we walk into the future following our Redeemer King.