There are two connected subjects that I love staying away from - they are the “rapture” and the “wrath of Elohim”. In a recent discussion with someone who is becoming increasingly interested in the two-house message and the restoration of the whole house of Israel, the latter asked the inevitable question, “Do you believe in the rapture?” (Years ago, when sharing about the two houses of Israel, we would occasionally get this response: “I guess you don’t believe in hell”. To this day I don’t understand the connection.)
Since he had asked the question about the rapture, and we had just finished a conversation about the book of Daniel, I thought to remind him about the three men who were thrown into the fire and, in the midst of the burning furnace, experienced the presence of the Fourth Man. Daniel himself witnessed the 'strange' behavior of
hungry lions. How about the Israelites surviving forty years in the desert? Or what
about Stephen getting stoned to death while others faced even worse trials
(e.g. Hebrews 11:35b-37)? Was it the
"wrath of Elohim" that brought about their suffering or a demonstration of Yah's grace? And how many times
did the Almighty save or preserve His people while simultaneously pouring out
His wrath on His/their enemies?
The Spirit of Elohim,
residing in us, shelters us from the enemy so that we would come to know Him.
However, there are times when that does not happen. But that, too, is designed for us to draw closer to Him. One way or another, our Father’s chief motivation
is for us to be bonded to Himself.
Many of His names/titles relate to our needs
during life’s good and bad circumstances. Instead of fearing hardship or even
the great tribulation, we should be more confident that He will be our shelter
(Elohim Mach’sey’nu). We are assured that even though “ten thousand fall at
our right hand” (ref. Ps. 91:7), He can still protect us because of
Who He is in us! He is our Miphlatey’nu (our Refuge), our Moshi’ey’nu (our
Savior/Deliverer), our M’tzuda’tey’nu (our Fortress) -”a present help in
troublesome times” (ref. Ps. 46:1). Indeed, the Psalms provide great
encouragement to our faith, hope and trust, as does the great cloud of witnesses
mentioned in Hebrews 11. Thus, our relationship with the Almighty Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and our Messiah Yeshua is strengthened. What does it matter to my flesh whether it goes the way of so many martyred believers in
history or if we take a fiery Tesla to heaven? What do we have to fear other
than fear itself?
For some, the word “wrath” seems to conjure up the worst of possibilities, but YHVH’s
wrath is always poured out on the unrighteous and wicked who practice that
which is deserving of such a response. “For the wrath of Elohim is revealed
from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress
the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18).
YHVH has given a New Covenant believer His righteousness via the indwelling Holy Spirit. By His grace, we walk in His righteousness, keeping His commandments and putting our faith, hope, and trust in Him, our Redeemer Elohim and Father. He asks us not to worry about tomorrow because we live in His present Presence. The “now” (this moment) is the time to prepare for any future event. Through this daily relationship, we will grow in our understanding and knowledge of YHVH. He is just in all His ways and stays holy in executing justice. The more we know Him, the less we will be afraid of His wrath, but greater will be our reverence for Him as we learn to rest in the joy of His Shalom.
“YHVH also will
be a refuge – Misgav [a "high tower"] - for
the oppressed, a refuge - Misgav - in times of trouble. And those who
know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, YHVH, have not forsaken
those who seek You. Sing praises to YHVH who dwells in Zion! Declare His deeds
among the people” (Psalm 9:9-11).